Anda pecinta GOM PLAYER sobat.. Berikut ini telah rillis Versi terbaru dari media player ini. yakni GOM PLAYER FINAL, software Gratis Biasanya menjadi faforite dari setiap laptop atau komputer. nah.. kalo Sobat sebagai salahsatu pecintanya.. silahkan di unduh.. size nya kecil kok..
A key feature of the software GOM Player:
- Users do not need to install a codec codec installed internally and separately
- Most players, even swf format
- FullScreen Stretched feature videos that show up (Wide) simplifies to
- Adjust the brightness and contrast of the video during playback
- Adjust the playback speed
- Apply different filters on a video RealTime including Blur, Noise Reduction and .
- Ability to Capture, capture video pla Playing
- Show subtitles with different aspects Demo
- Ability to Zoom and Pan
- Interchangeable Skins
- Play List powerful and flexible
Size : 12 MB
VIA DATAFILEHOST " Hilangkan Ceklist " Use Our Downloadnya "
==> GOM PLAYER FINALVIA DATAFILEHOST " Hilangkan Ceklist " Use Our Downloadnya "
==> 5 SKIN GOM
semoga bermanfaat guys
kuyhAa™ αndroiD¹⁹
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